Tuesday, October 18, 2005 |
Recovering... |
Thanks to Will for reminding me that I/m not the only crazy fucker in the world.
I have not blogged for a few days, mostly because I have been recovering from the bender that was this weekend. Illicit substances consumed, drama ensued, etc. You know the usual twenty something gathering. I kinda think it's a bit funny, I can't seem to remember much of the weekend. I remember bits and pieces and the overwhelming feeling of being lost. And people seemed to want so much from me. Like at the Lounge on Sunday. I had to apologize to John the bartender. Apparently I hadn't come up to say hello, the past two weeks. So I had to spar with him verbally so he could get his fix of me. (I think I might be full of myself!) All that to get a drink! Not just any drink though, a 3/4 full of Sapphire Gin Tom Collins. He is nothing if not a great bartender. High drama in the music scene as well. A new bass player decide to play with Suck it Easy. Well, let's just say he sucked and not very easy. He sucked VERY HARD. The rest of the band members got quite upset and all but threw him off the stage. DRAMA! I can understand Mr. Whisper (aka CR the guitar player and Hubby's new musical soulmate.) He drove into a puddle that was chest deep on thursday after dropping hubby home. Then partied in the city all weekend with NO SLEEP! So that I can understand. The rest I think I imagined in my artificially charged state.
All in all a good weekend that I can laugh at. Isn't that what I'm shooting for lately?
And now for the funny: Thanks to The Onion.
posted by ~M~ @ 10:57 AM   |
You mean we shouldn't be leaving our cars running overnight? But October can be a bit nippy in the mornings. ;)
I joined you in the drinking this weekend. I went to my 10 year high school reunion. Much was consumed. Probably I shoulndn't have kept telling people, "I'm only drinking because you have to to get through this thing." I'm still not real sure what I said on that video they were taking :/.
Ahhh to only be twenty something again!
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You mean we shouldn't be leaving our cars running overnight? But October can be a bit nippy in the mornings. ;)
I joined you in the drinking this weekend. I went to my 10 year high school reunion. Much was consumed. Probably I shoulndn't have kept telling people, "I'm only drinking because you have to to get through this thing." I'm still not real sure what I said on that video they were taking :/.