Thursday, March 09, 2006
Hope is blooming...
First order of business:

THANK YOU to all of my blogger friends out there who have periodically sent messages of hope int this very trying time. I have been able to check my email this whole time but not much more, so to see those comments pop up every once in while was great. I now have a computer to use on a regular basis so I will be on more now. I have lost some of my bookmarks so if you were a blogfriend or just want to become one of my blog friends just leave a comment and I will be by soon.

Second order of business:

Now that Hubby is a bit more settled in his job, I can settle down to the process of finding a job for myself. My cousing Haley, who most of you probably have hear me gush about, works at a local bank and they are looking for tellers. So she suggested I apply there. I just sent off the email so hopefully I will get a posititon. YAY!

The house is just about completely settled which make a lot of difference in my stress level.

I also have a plan now which makes me happier. I am going to join the local fire dept. who offer an EMT course and licensing by the state. SO while I am working at the bank, I will get my EMT cert and then start working as an EMT. Then while I do that I can go back to school for nursing like I have been trying to for the last year or so.
posted by ~M~ @ 7:30 PM  
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