Thursday, April 12, 2007
No Taxation without Representation!
I officially hate taxes.

I have e-filed my Federal taxes and had them direst deposited into my bank account which should be happening in about 4 hours and 15 minutes. It was great! I used Turbo Tax online which was free and was so easy to use. I decided to do the taxes myself this year because we just couldn't spare the $70 dollars to have it done, like we have since we got married and started filing jointly. I did our taxes before that. It was fairly simple if you were careful. BUT, with Turbo Tax, you cannot fill out, print, or e-file your state taxes unless you pay $30. SO state has waited. And waited. And waited. And now I just sat down to try and get through them considering they are due by Tuesday, and my envelope with all eight of our W2's and both 1099's IS GONE! And I am alone in the house, except for Cash who doesn't talk yet, so I can't ask anyone if they have seen them.


Oh and RIP Kurt Vonnegut.
posted by ~M~ @ 7:46 PM  
  • At April 18, 2007 at 10:12:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I wish my Federal would come soon!
    I had to pay state and now I wish the federal would come to replace the money I dished out.

  • At April 19, 2007 at 1:22:00 AM EDT, Blogger Shanna said…

    I filed WAYYY last minute. The tax places want and arm and a leg! It sucked big time.

    I used a free online filing program instead, but they're finally done!

    What a pain in the tush!

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